- 1997
Bachelor degree from PhysicsFacultl of Science, King AbdulAziz Univesity, جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية
- 2000
Master degree from PhysicsFsculty of Science, King AbduAziz University, جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية
- 2005
Doctorate degree from Physics &AstronomyFaculty of Science, Nottingham University-UK, نوتنجهام, بريطانيا
- 1997-2005
Teaching assistant, King Abdul Aziz university, جده, المملكة العربية السعودية
- 2005-حاليا
Assistant Professor, King abdul Aziz University, جده, المملكة العربية السعودية
- 2013-2015
Visitting Professor, MIT, بوسطن, امــريــكـا
Research Interests
Jahn-Teller effects in Fullerens cations and anions
Scientific interests
Quantum MechanicsI |
354 |
Phys |
Teaching physics |
490 |
phys |
General physics |
110 |
phys |
Quantum Mechincs2 |
455 |
Phy |
Advanced Qauntum Mechnics |
616 |
Phys |